
We are always forgetting things - and then trying to remember. How do we try to remember? we scrabble around trying to connect something we know with the name or date or person we can’t remember. Then usually we give up, or take a rest, “Sleep on...

God’s Lure and God’s Nudge

“JESUS is Lord!” “Lift High The Cross!” These slogans stir me throughout my being. But my mind clicks in, to remember the people who have been forced to proclaim the first, or the people for whom the high-lifted cross was a banner of war and oppression. There is a...

All Or Nothing At All?

“All, or nothing at all,” whined the crooners of our youth: love was demanded fully, no holding back. And this call still goes out in different words from the Storm Troopers of religion, and we are told that if we strip off even a glove or a handkerchief from our...

Something Borrowed, Something New

The writer Charles Williams (friend of C.S.Lewis and J.R.R.Tolkien) was a brilliant and gifted interpreter of Scripture. In one of Jesus’ parables there is a wedding feast to which all are invited. But one man does not come in a wedding garment, and is not allowed in....

The King’s Highway

At first glance, this weekend’s royal wedding in Westminster Abbey may seem to have little connection with Faith and Science. However it is faith that the couple have promised each other, faith that we have that they will be good partners, bringing grace and justice...